Which ever city the Super Bowl is being hosted will most likely boost its economy. The affect of bringing in hundreds of thousands of fans for this game and having them all spend money locally will definitely boost the economy in that region at least for a little while. These fans coming in are going to have to buy a plane ticket or some sort of transportation to and from the stadium which will bring in lots of customers for at least the weekend. All fans are going to want to eat/drink; whether it be a nice 5 star restaurant or fast food drive through they are going to have to eat and drink sometime which will bring in big business for local restaurants. Many will be packed full the night before and the night of the big game. Local Hotels are always booked as soon as the Super Bowl city destination is announced, some even waiting until the week of to offer hotel rooms and then jacking up the price from $100 or less to well over $500 per night. The small scale boom for the local economy is huge and many profit off of it for awhile.
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